Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First Friday/Spring Brunch Committees

Hello Ladies!

Thanks to all of you who have responded and volunteered to be a part of these committees! We have 4-5 on board for Spring Brunch and myself and 1 other confirmed for First Fridays.

Here's a little more information about what I'm looking for regarding the First Friday committee.
I understand if you can't commit to 12 First Fridays! That's quite a bit! And I know adding one more meeting a month to our calendars can be overwhelming. I think we could meet monthly if that suits everyone's schedules, and if not, we can meet every other month & plan 2 events at each meeting and rely on email communication for minor details.
Also, if you want to volunteer to help with the planning of some but not all, that's fine, too. There are a few that don't need any planning (summer stuff) and some that need only minimal. There are a few, though that need creativity, errand runners and people willing to pitch in and set up.
Here's the list I've come up with.
Perhaps there are a few that you could be a part of:
January 7th: Swap Meet
February 4th: Pajama Party
March 4th: Game Night (board games, group pictionary, minute to win it, maybe wii..FUN)
April 1st: Talent Show
May 4th: Prom Night
June 3rd: Movie Theater (Penn Cinema) & Ice Cream
July 1st: Pool Party
August 5th: Picnic
September 2nd: Barnstormer's Game (let's hope they're in town... if not we might be able to swap Aug with Sept)
October: Barn Party
November 4th: Soup Night and Book Swap
December 2nd: Ladies Latte/Coffee House

So... as many as are interested to help plan, I'd be so grateful. Really, you wouldn't have to commit to all of them. I'd appreciate your help on just one. Or, you could help with the planning but not the execution, OR you could commit to helping with set up/clean up of an event but not attend the planning meeting. OR we could chat about it and see what works best for you.

And those interested in Spring Brunch planning, Come On! I've never attended a Spring Brunch here, so I'll be leaning on your input greatly.

Looking forward to all God is going to do in and through you ladies in 2011. From WBF to new friendships to First Fridays, etc... He's moving. He's working. Join In!

Monday, October 25, 2010

When God Ran

I got an email recently from one of the fabulous women in our Daniel WBF class and she simply stated, "I didn't know how hungry I'd been until I started feasting on God's word."

Let that sink in.
Roll it around a time or two.

Is that you?
Are you getting by on the knowledge you have of God's Word without diving in and letting it spark a fresh hunger and fire within?
And why on earth is having a consistent, daily time set aside for scripture reading and purposeful prayer and sitting quietly before God so stinking hard to fit in? We KNOW how much better life is with Jesus at the center, giving Him our day before we start racing through it and yet, rather than run to Him, we just... well, we don't.
And what would it look like if we did?
Who would you be if you let God have more of you?
What if you let Him have all of you?

Think about that. Picture it.
So, what holds you here? Are you stuck? Afraid? Holding too tightly to things of this world? Not willing to let go of cherished sin? Maybe you haven't realized how long it's been since you carved out some quiet time and talked to the Lord?
Maybe you feel like it's been so long that maybe it's too long? Really? Too long? For Jesus? That may work on the surface, for the enemy to tell you that lie to keep you away, but if you think about that... it's been so long since I've been where I need to be with the Lord that it's probably been too long and He's given up on me.
Given up on you? Over a few months, many months, a year, 2 years, 5 years that have passed without you even realizing it... and yet you think it's been too long? Well, how long is too long? 2 months but not 3? 1 year but not 2?

Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save,
nor his ear too dull to hear. --Isaiah 59:1

You know those moments in life when someone makes a statement that you know will be with you forever? We were in our Connect Groups one Sunday after the morning service at the church I used to work at in Virginia. We were all sitting around the table talking about something similar to this topic and my dear friend, Mina, who incidentally is so full of wisdom and timely words of encouragement I can hardly stand it... she said something to this effect... The Bible doesn't give us 10 steps to getting back into the groove with God. It doesn't talk about us earning our way back to the "sweet spot". What it does talk about is God saying "Return to Me", and about a Prodigal Son being IMMEDIATELY, ENTIRELY, FULLY welcomed back to the Father. He didn't shame him for being gone and wasting the money. He didn't look on him with disappointment. He hadn't stopped caring as time went on.
What does the Scripture say?

First, it doesn't tell us how long he'd been gone. "When he came to his senses." (Luke 15:17)

"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him." (Luke 15:20)

Ok, I won't preach a sermon BUT...

"While he was still a long way off": The son made his way back. Can you imagine it? Shoulders slumped, dejected, feeling unworthy, guilty, shameful, embarrassed... just coming upon his father's land maybe coming up over the farthest hill to be possible to be seen.

"his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him": He was waiting and watching. He didn't care how much time had passed, he always longed for his son to return.

"he ran to his son": This part can make your heart stop. This is the only time in Scripture when God (because this is a parable, the father is representing God) is seen RUNNING. Are you ready for this? The son was a long way off, had decided it was time to come back, to come home, the Father was watching and waiting and as soon as he saw his son, the father took off running to him. He could have made the long trek worse by making the son pay his penance, feel the weight of his guilt, endure a few more steps of shame, but no. He would have none of that. The Father bridged the gap. He more than met him halfway.

He removed the distance.

Isn't that what we sometimes need?
We feel the distance.
We want it removed.
But we feel so bad for being gone so long, we don't know how to get back to where we'd once been.

There is no magic formula.
It's simple: Begin your journey back. Open the Bible. Talk to Him, tell Him you want more of Him... that you're ready to return. And He'll do it for you, too. He'll remove the distance.

Keep your eyes wide open so you don't miss it: He'll run for you, too.

Click Here to listen to an AMAZING song sung by Phillips, Craig & Dean called "When God Ran"

This post was a God-thing. I sat down to blog tonight to tell you I couldn't really blog tonight and this is the direction God took it. I love Him so. And He adores you. If you're feeling the sweet nudge of His spirit drawing you, then know He did it for you.

Monday, October 18, 2010


"Accountability is not always easy, but it is necessary." --Ryan Snyder

If you were in Sunday's service, you might remember that quote from the message. I wonder: Do you have someone in your life who shares your love for Jesus? Who is in this with you? Who you KNOW will caution you before you fall into a pit and throw in a rope when you do... and that person will love you no less when you fall. That person will not hold your failures over you, but will rejoice in the redeeming work of the Lord? Who is your "person"?

Maybe you sat in the service on Sunday and thought, "Gosh, I've never had a relationship like that in my ENTIRE life." Well, do you want one? Do you need a girlfriend to come alongside of you and do this thing with you? In it together. Iron sharpening iron. A faithful friend. If that kind of friendship is missing from your life, I suggest you find one. Not just at random, but by prayerful consideration. Ask the Lord for such a friend or accountability partner.

So, this thing called Accountability. It's really a beautiful thing when it's working the way Ryan shared on Sunday. There's a lot it can look like, and I'll go into it in just a minute, but there are also a few things that accountability is not.
1. It is not a license to freely sin to your heart's content. You're first and foremost accountable before God.
2. It is not a brag session on your sin, failures and missteps. Each and every one of them sent your Savior to a torturous death on a Cross so you might be redeemed. Never forget that. If we pictured Christ's bloody body hanging from that cross in those brief moments before we choose to sin, perhaps we'd have a little reverence and take the way of escape He's promised.
3. It is not a get-together without getting accountable. How much we miss if neither party is brave enough to bring the conversation to the reason for getting together.

So, maybe you're longing for it but don't have any idea where to begin.
Here are a few suggestions. Not a how-to book. I didn't find this in Scripture. Mostly from personal experience or something I heard about or came across. Just a starting point if this is where you want to go.

What do you want? Do you think you want to meet one on one with someone? Maybe the idea of a group of 3 or 4 is more appealing? Not sure? ASK JESUS. If He has stirred in your heart the desire to do something like this, talk to Him. Spend time in His presence, see what He says.

Once you think you know if you want one-on-one or a group, prayerfully determine who these people might be. Perhaps there's someone you meet with on a regular basis or a dear friend and right away you know you and Suzy Jones would make great accountability partners. If you don't know who you might meet with, ASK JESUS to show you. Recently, being new on staff, Greg encouraged me to have a sister in Christ praying with me and for me personally and the ministry I am involved in with you. I felt overwhelmed because I barely knew the ladies, but I began to ask the Lord and as I did, as I was around a certain woman, God would remind me and even suggest in my heart to ask her. The God of the Universe, concerned with the details of our lives. Unfathomable. Yet, unmistakable. So, if you need the partner, let it be a God thing.
Then, when you know who you want to approach, do so. Ask them if they are familiar with accountability partners or accountability groups. Would they be interested in getting together with you and building that kind of relationship. If they missed the sermon, tell them to listen to it online!

Share what each of you would like the group/partnership to look like. How often will you meet? What kinds of things will you discuss? This can be important, especially when it's new. Realize that someone new to your life is probably not going to be comfortable sharing her deepest sin issues outright with you until she feels loved, accepted, safe and knows she can trust you. These things take time. But, while you're building those bridges, start with easier things:
Consistency in daily Quiet Time
Consistency in daily Prayer times
Memorizing a new verse or passage of Scripture each week/2 weeks/month
You can even start with something specific you know you need to uproot from your life that you're willing to entrust to your new accountability partner. Some examples: How much time you spend watching TV, What shows you choose to watch, Working on responding in love to your spouse or teenager, Getting to the gym however many # of days.

No need to sit down at the coffee shop an start declaring your struggles! Have a little chat, enjoy each other's company. Find out how her week was, what God is doing in her life, etc. But then, before long, turn the conversation to the reason you're there. Bring a little notebook with you. Write down what you're going to ask your friend about and what she's going to ask you about next time you meet. Then, throughout the week, pray for your dear sister in Christ and the things she wants to work on. And, be reminded daily of what you want to work on before you meet again. Knowing that she's praying, knowing that you desire to see change, and knowing you'll have to report back on how the week went will all contribute to victory.

Be honest with yourself and your accountability partner or group. Remember why you wanted this partnership/group to begin with. Be willing to be the first to say you messed up. Be gentle and full of grace. When someone says where she fell short, don't tell her how to fix it for next time. Ask her what she might do in that situation next time it occurs? Offer suggestions graciously, fully aware of the plank in your own eye. With humility. The thing is, James says "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." James 4:17 More often than not, she's gonna know what she should have/would have/could have done. You don't need to tell her. But, to best walk in victory, ask her to tell you.

Sometimes in our world of wanting to be superwoman, we say we want to be held accountable to a rigid thing like committing to exercise 5 days a week for an hour a day but then the kids get sick, the car breaks down, life happens and you just can't do that much. But you can do some. So, celebrate the "some" and be more realistic in your expectations of yourself for next time. As the partner, think about your partner's requests for her own want-to's for the week. If you think it's too lofty, ask her if she thinks it's realistic. Some of us set ourselves up for failure because somewhere subconsciously we think we're going to fail anyway. Send that back to the pit from which it came! "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." And let the things you want to change be Holy Spirit driven. Let Him show you where He wants to sharpen you, rather than picking random things you a) know you can do before the next week or b) are driven by the world's motives and not the Spirit.

There is something special in a friendship when your friend tells you she'll pray for you. But there is a sweetness and sincerity that develops when she prays WITH you. I would encourage every accountability meeting to start and end with prayer. Whether you're sitting in Starbucks or over the phone. Pray for her, let her pray for you. Encourage each other.

This is the MOST important part of a successful accountability group/partnership. You have to have a conversation at the outset that EVERYTHING said between you will stay in the confines of that safe circle of you and your partner/group. The ONLY exception is if someone tells you something that jeopardizes someone's safety or well-being. Otherwise, husbands, sisters, friends, best friends, co-workers who don't even know your friend, children, anyone else not in the accountability partnership or group is off limits. Then, you know what? You agreed to keep it confidential, then, keep your mouth shut. (I say in love). Seriously, live with integrity here, ladies. Be the kind of accountability partner you want to have.

Whew! Ok, really, this is not a magic formula. Just suggestions or a starting point. If you truly desire to have this kind of relationship, cover the thing in prayer. Wait on the Lord, trust Him to work and then watch for Him to amaze you. He can and He will.

I'd love to chat with you if you want more direction, need someone to join you in prayer about finding a partner, etc.

In case I haven't told you lately, I'm crazy about you. Blessed beyond measure to be counted among you and overjoyed to be used of God to lead you closer to Him.
Much Love,

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dogsitting in Boyertown

This weekend, my parents went to New York to visit my brother and his family. They asked me to stay at their house and watch their dog. Koko. A beautiful, loving, mild mannered Australian Shepherd.
Aaaaahhh... a much needed and appreciated "retreat" right here in the real world.

In the past few days, I...

Slept with a dog on my bed. He is SO not allowed to do that, but knows I won't kick him off.

Collected about 100 stink bugs in a container of Mr. Clean. They're dead now. But their 20 or so closest friends and family are still hanging around. Ew!

Visited my 91 year old great-aunt Margaret at the rehab facility she's staying at until she regains strength after a recent hospital stay. Today, I filed her nails and made some memories.

Watched the Phillies beat the Reds! Twice!

Missed church at LEFC on Sunday but just listened to the message online. So glad I did. I want to be a sold out disciple joining Jesus in His Movement, don't you? "Encountering Jesus on a daily basis and engaging the world around me for Him." Phenomenal message. You should definitely listen to it if you missed it. God is doing great things at LEFC!

Started reading a fabulous book called "Surrender to Love" by David Benner. It is so good.

Took a mid-term exam. Online. Open book. Lucky me.

Went to see "Life as We Know It." I haven't been to a movie in forever! It's the new romantic comedy with Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel. Very cute.

Thought about stuff. Perhaps you find that funny. I find that I need downtime to think. Long drives are great for thinking (and praying). Once, when I was in college, I was sitting alone in the dorm room. Just sitting on the couch thinking. No tv on, no books in my lap. My roommate walked in and was like. Are you ok? I said, yeah, I'm just thinking. She didn't get it. We had a good laugh. I did some thinking :o)

Thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend. The cool night air, the trees changing colors, gorgeous sunshine.

Aaahhhh... definitely needed a weekend like this. It's been a long time coming.

"Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him..." Psalm 37:7 (NAS)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

3rd Annual Harvest Hoedown

You'll never believe what I bought at a Lancaster Target the other day!

I got EVERYTHING I need for the Hoedown and Hoedowns to come...

In Target.

In Lancaster.

Not in the Halloween section.

Does that seem strange to anyone else? Anyone?

A western shirt, boots and a hat. In the regular clothes sections.

Y'all, I lived in Dallas, TX and never did I see any of these things in a Target. What kind of world are we living in?!

But, since it was Target, you can be sure I'll be cute :o)

In all seriousness, all you need is a bandana to feel a a little country.

You can get bandanas in any color under the sun for $1.00 at a Wal-Mart near you! In the accessories section, near the purses.

Also, since this weird western thing is apparently in some sort of style, you might be interested to know I have seen western shirts and boots at Old Navy, too.

You are not required to dress like you belong on an episode of The Lone Ranger (yes, I know what that show is!), but you're more than welcome to, and strongly encouraged to!

My favorite Western accessory is Big Texas Hair. Tease, spray, curl. Repeat.

Ok, seriously. I finally got to see this barn for myself last night.


And I am SOOOO excited for next Friday!

We sure do hope you can come.

Here are the event details:

3rd Annual Harvest Hoedown

At the Barn of Paul & Brenda Zimmerman

975A Lincoln Road, Lititz.


Please bring a finger food to share!

There will be

square dancing,

rope swinging,

western wearing,

big hair sporting,

friend making,

cider drinking,

snack eating,

prize winning


Bring a friend, invite a neighbor!

If you're on Facebook, hop over to the Women's Ministry Facebook Event Page and let us know you're attending!