Thursday, September 30, 2010
OH! The Rains Came Down as the Floods Came Up!
You know the one about the Foolish Man building his house upon the sand, and the Wise Man building his house upon the rock and when the rains came down and the floods came up the Foolish Man's house went *SPLAT* but the House on the Rock stood firm!
Talk about RAIN!
Whew! I cannot remember ever having been sent home from school early when I was a kid because of rain. Now, not to get ahead of ourselves too much, but even this morning when I woke up and heard the rain at my window I thought, I wonder how much this would be in SNOW! Yeah, no, let's not even go there. I'm enjoying the fall way too much to think about what follows it!
So the Rain.
Showers of Blessings? A much needed drink for the earth?
Seriously, that's not generally my first reaction to a rainy day!
Or perhaps soggy pant legs? An umbrella left in your CAR rather than in your house when you needed it this morning? Flooded shoes? Hydroplaning? Traffic crawling? Foggy windshields? Late to appointments? Kids school closing wrecking your plans? Water EVERYWHERE? Ceilings leaking? Walls dripping? Sump pumps working (we hope!)?
Or maybe there's a reason we want to stay in bed on a rainy morning.
Not to escape the things about super soggy days that make us impatient & frustrated, but a chance to enjoy the sound of the water hitting the window pane.
Not to avoid the rat race, but a chance to sit a while, curl up with a good book, just "be."
So often we just go go go without slowing the pace to enjoy family togetherness when there is no where else we need to be.
Enjoy the unexpected change of pace and the interruption of life that it is and be thankful for an evening when you don't want to and don't have to endure the madness.
What's your favorite thing about a rainy day?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Simulcast Re-Cap
is the law of kindness.
Proverbs 31:26
Yesterday's Simulcast was so wonderful! I do hope you were able to join us! 350+ women gathered in the LEFC auditorium for a day filled with worship, singing, praying, and learning.
For those of you unable to attend or those wanting to be reminded, I thought I'd jot down a few notes from what we learned.
Why are we studying the law of kindness? Because we live in a mean world and it will just keep getting meaner. Another reason: "Because she openeth her mouth!" We're women. We talk. We relate. We speak. We're all teachers by gift, position, example, motherhood, sisterhood, neighbors, coworkers, mentors, lawyers, doctors...and we are all opinion givers. Who did Jesus appear to first after the Resurrection? WOMEN! "Why?!" Beth joked, because He wanted to get the word out and He knew women would do just that!
Throughout the day, we heard 8 Tastes of Kindness (to play on the "tongue" part of the phrase) just points...
Taste #1. Kindness is not weakness.
And, kindness is not simply niceness. One can be nice without ever being kind. Kindness comes from within. Luke 6:35-36 reminds us that we show ourselves to be children of the Most High God when we exhibit His qualities "for He Himself is kind." Also, we need to be kind to others even if they are not kind to us. We are His image-bearers. Beth broke apart the difference between nice and kind.
Originally, the root word that meant nice (sorry I didn't write it down but she got it from Merriam Webster's dictionary) means "not-knowing." She said basically the idea was that if you can be that nice it's because you're an idiot. That out of your ignorance you're nice because you're clueless to reality. But kindness... that's a whole other ball game. Kindness is being fully aware and still choosing to be kind.
Proverbs 11:16 "A kind hearted woman gains respect..." Nice is fine, but kind is divine.
Taste #2. Kindness is not an action, it's a disposition.
In the Greek, Kind is translated as an adjective Chrestos which means profitable, fit, good for any use, (about people): good natured, useful toward others. As a noun, Chrestostes--the grace which pervades the whole nature--descriptive of one's disposition. You can fake nice but you can't fake kindness.
Taste #3. Kindness wears down when we do.
It's the work of the enemy to wear us down. We can form bad habits of unkindness in our relationships. Usually our closest relationships. Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus says "My yoke is easy" The word translated for "easy"... Chrestos... His yoke is kind. Things that can wear us down are resentment (2 Timothy 2:24), Hatred, jealousy (Genesis 37:4)...anyone you are capable of hating, you once probably loved.
When we're worn down, we need to be built up. Beth researched every scripture in the NT that used the phrase built up, building up or edification. Her conclusion? Overwhelmingly the context of being built up is in the corporate context and not the individual context...being built up with other believers. We need each othere, girls! Ephesiand 4:16, 4:16... In a world of social networking and virtual friendships, we still need face to face relationships!
Taste #4. Kindness looks pain in the face.
Job 6:28 She didn't really spend a lot of time on this one, or I didn't write a lot of notes... SORRY! But she did say that Job's friends wouldn't even look at him...
Taste #5. Kindness is a Savior.
Beth showed a picture of a little girl of 3 or 4 who had just been given a fish as a reward. Her eyes were HUGE, her mouth agape in awe... made you absolutely know what she was thinking. You could almost feel her excitement. Then she asked us, "How long have you known Jesus? Have you lost your wonder?"
Ephesians 2:4-10 God was kind enough to give us Christ Jesus, v.7
Being kind cannot save. And our kindness cannot mean becoming any persons's everything. That's for the Lord. Our kindness should point toward Him.
Taste #6. Kindness has a good memory.
Psalm 106:7...when we forget God's goodnesses, we begin to rebel. Your God has been good to you. Do not forget. Beth then shared a story of her border collie, Star. When Beth grabs Star's red leash, the dog comes up, takes the leash between its teeth and walks beside her. Beth says she does attach the leash to the dog, but could walk for 2 miles with the leash in the dog's mouth and never have her leave her side. As if she's saying "you don't have to bind me to you, I just want to be with you." Hosea 11:4 says "I led them with cords of Human kindness..." same thing. The Lord has NEVER let us go. He doesn't have to bind us to Him. We just want to be with Him.
Taste #7. Kindness craves an outlet.
2 Samuel 9 is the story of King David wanting SOMEONE from Saul's house that he could show kindness to for Jonathan's sake. She didn't flesh this out, but there was one from Saul's house David could bless. Mephibosheth. A man crippled in both feet. In their world, that meant they did not receive aid or handouts. The handicapped were treated as outcasts. But David brought Jonathan's crippled son to sit at the king's table and gave him everything that belonged to Saul and his family... If you've never read the story, you absolutely should...
Then, she had us turn to Acts 28:1-2 where Paul has arrive on the island of Malta and "the natives showed extraordinary kindness." In her research, Beth came across a statistic that of all 153 countries surveyed for charitable acts and giving in the WORLD, 83% of people in Malta currently give charitably. So cool, that those who were known for extraordinary kindness are still those known for giving to those in need.
Taste #8. Kindness leaves a legacy.
Nothing has the right to take authority over you when you have the yoke of liberty in Christ upon you.
If we have children grow up in a mean world and be will not be an accident.
I know notes are not nearly the same as being there, but wow... it was such a good day! We were so blessed!
Before the Simulcast began, as people were filling the seats, I tried to meet as many women as I could. Being the new girl, I totally expected most people to be from LEFC. Surprisingly, no. They were overwhelmingly from somewhere else. One sweet lady told me she'd seen a sign at a library in Adamstown, wasn't really a "church girl" but thought she'd come. Praise Jesus. We had groups from Water Street Ministries and the Lydia Center. We had moms and daughters, several groups of sisters... many groups of friends and quite a few women who so wanted to hear from Jesus they came all by themselves.
As I told the ladies in attendance yesterday, there has been a team planning and preparing the event for the past 9 months to a year. We give God the glory and our thanks to the many many ladies of LEFC who gave so much of their time and energy into planning this event! And the husbands & men who helped with set up and tear down!
Beth made a big deal about the simulcast reaching "125,000 women and a few brave men." We had 1 brave man, Ken Martin... and we are so thankful for his ministry to us all day from the sound booth!
Those 125,000 women were represented among 30 denominations! That's HUGE... this is a Church thing, a Body thing... a God thing. Not an E.Free thing or a Baptist thing. But 30 denominations... can you imagine?! 27 churches from Canada. 5 military bases and I believe 11 countries represented.
And the enemy thinks he is the only one getting victory through the internet?!
Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world!!
You are so dear to my heart already...
In Christ Alone,
Monday, September 13, 2010
Great Expectations
I've attended other Living Proof events and have heard Beth Moore speak at a handful of venues. Never have I been disappointed. My first simulcast that I attended was in Manassas, VA.
It was life-changing.
For starters, before that night I had never heard the song "In Christ Alone" not the one written by the former Backstreet Boy (Brian Littrell) but the amazing Gospel in song written by Stuart Townend performed best (in my humble opinion) by Beth's worship leader, Travis Cottrell.
As we were singing the song and I was reading the words I was so blessed I could hardly stand it. And I lost it. EVERY live event since that one (it was my first) I've been to where Beth has spoken, granted it's been like 3 or 4 maybe, but that song has been a part. Now, it could be a standard in their repertoire. I like to think it's Jesus giving me a great big hug. I'm hoping we sing it this weekend... do you know it?
In Christ alone my hope is found.
He is my light, my strength, my song.
This Cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace;
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease;
My Comforter, my All in All,
Here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone, who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe.
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save.
‘Til on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied.
For every sin on Him was laid,
Here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground His body lay.
Light of the world by darkness slain.
Then bursting forth in glorious Day,
Up from the grave He rose again.
And as He stands in victory,
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me.
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand.
All other ground is sinking sand.
All other ground is sinking sand.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand.
All other ground is sinking sand.
All other ground is sinking sand.
No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me.
From life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand.
‘Til He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.
I still remember the scripture Beth taught on at that first simulcast. Psalm 126. A passage that reminds us the Lord has done great things for us... a psalm that was written about the exiles leaving captivity... the whole message changed me and was the catalyst for a HUGE work of God in my life. Here it is for you...
1 When the LORD brought back the captives to Zion,
we were like men who dreamed.
2 Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
"The LORD has done great things for them."
3 The LORD has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy.
4 Restore our fortunes, O LORD,
like streams in the Negev.
5 Those who sow in tears
will reap with songs of joy.
6 He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with him.
Other events I've been a part of have been rooted deeply into my heart... At an event in Charleston, WV she taught a message called "His Love is Measureless" and at the end, we sang that precious old hymn "The Love of God." Incredible. At a Women of Faith Pre-Conference, she had us turn to a passage in Scripture that I had been wrestling through in my quiet time for 2 weeks prior. When she told us to open our Bibles to "my" passage, I nearly died. That's when you know it's time to listen. That message burns deeply in my soul: God has given you [each of us] a ministry, you are enough for that ministry. Showing God off is our ministry.
And now, here we are, about to be participants in whatever God is up to... I cannot wait to sit at His feet and soak in His word with you this weekend.
Psalm 5:3 says, "In the morning, O Lord, I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
So, this week for me is all about anticipation and expectation. I am anticipating a HUGE work of God in each of the lives of the 326 women registered to come and all the others the Lord will bring us. But not only am I looking forward to it with anticipation, I'm EXPECTING Him to show up and be HUGE. Why? Because He is God. He is Almighty. He is Omnipotent. He is able. He doesn't make mistakes. He has a purpose for gathering hundreds of thousands of women all across the nation and the world. I encourage you this week to PRAY for what He wants to do in your heart this weekend.
It has been my prayer for the past few weeks that each and every one of us walks out of that church a different woman than we were when we walk in there that morning. That God, through His Word gets into our hearts and our business and forever changes us.
Pray that He prepares your heart... let nothing distract you and change your plans... and then, my dear sister... EXPECT YOUR GOD TO BE HUGE. Come thirsty. Drink Deeply.
One last thing: Please be praying for the women of LEFC who are making this event possible... in no particular order and I beg you to forgive me if I have left a single one out...
Thank God for their ministry/servants hearts and pray His protection on their health and their families this week as they have many preparations to take care of before and on Saturday... that NOTHING would hinder the work God has planned and that they would be richly blessed...
Beth Schwartz
Ina Bunnell
Kathy Bewley
Julie Hurst
Sue Mitchell
Sharon Day
Molly Longo
Stephanie Painter
Scottie Griswold
Kaye Beachey
Amy Hackman
Valerie Metzler
Sharon Neal
Jen Rohrbach
Lois Steffy
Wendy Komancheck
Jen Neupauer
Kathy Friedberg
Laurie Conrad
Marie Acebo
Susan Wolfe
Susan Matteson
Angel Ludwig
Bonnie Martin
Kathy Bartel
Donna Reimer
Naomi Sensenig
Linda Page
Cindi Balson
Anne Heisey
Pat Shelly
Chris Shebish
Michele Martin
Expecting our God to be HUGE!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
WBF Kick-Off Brunch Recap

I just had to jump on the blog and tell you about our WBF Brunch this morning!
Melissa Zook and her FABULOUS team provided us with a WONDERFUL morning!
There was a great turn out. Almost every seat was filled... my best guess would be 70 ladies?
Thanks to all who came!
Towards the beginning of the program, Melissa found a great youtube clip of Derek Redmond's 1992 Olympic run in which he pulled his hamstring... take a look at the video and think about how this is just like God's hand in our lives. He will always carry us through. When circumstances look bleak, when life is upside down, He is WITH US. By our side to the end. Your God is FAITHFUL. He is MIGHTY to SAVE... watch & worship Him today.
The remainder of the Brunch, we heard from all of our fall WBF teachers a little about their classes.
Here's a list of what you can choose from this fall:
Morning Studies (begin September 16th at 9am)
2 Samuel (Precepts) taught by Lynne Hendrix
Psalms taught by Sharon Neal
Sacred Waiting taught by Keri Altland, geared for our TLC moms (no homework, the kind of class you can pop in and out of if your life is unpredictable!)
When Life is Hard facilitated by Donna Reimer
Genesis DVD series (6 wks) facilitated by Kathy Friedberg
Hearts & Hands to God (begins 10/28) with Linda Page
Evening Studies (begin September 16th at 7pm)
Psalms taught by Sharon Neal
Daniel (Beth Moore study) facilitated by Katherine Eachus
For more information on these studies, please visit us online HERE.
Want to sign up? You can get in touch with the teacher if you know her, shoot me an email and I'll make sure you get connected, or really... you can just show up to most classes next Thursday.
How about YOU? Which study are you taking this fall?
Post a comment and let us know!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
10 Things You Didn't Know You Didn't Know
So, I was thinking about the kinds of things my closest friends know about me that you don't yet. Of course it's all good stuff. I can't tell you how much I am NOT a morning person yet or that my smile doesn't always wake up before 9am. :o) So, here it is... as you're reading, be thinking of your own list... I'd LOVE for you to reply in the comments to let us get to know you a little better, too.
1. I have big feet. Size 11. Well, frankly, I'm 5'10" tall. They have to be big so I don't fall over. But it's hard to find shoes. So you can imagine how difficult it can be to find CUTE shoes that don't make me taller than I am. Although, I think I'll take a lesson from Beth Schwartz and marry a guy who's like 6'5" so she can wear way-high-heels.
2. Maybe because of #1, or maybe because I'm trying not to grow up, I LOVE flip flops. I should probably get a pedicure to be kind on the eyes of everyone who sees my big feet in my flip flops, but you know... it's one of those things I always think I'll do next pay check and here it is September and that didn't happen. Maybe next summer.
3. I'm the middle child. Yes. Before you even ask, I can tell you that I grew up with Middle Child Syndrome where the middle child thinks the older gets everything because he's older and a boy and the younger gets everything because she's the baby and the one in the middle... well... she feels a little left out and neglected. Before you get to feeling pity on me, rest assured I have been delivered. I don't still feel like that.
4. I LOVE my family. My parents still live in the town I grew up in. After living in VA for so long, it's nice to be able to visit them on an almost weekly basis.

Andrew Jacob will turn 4 in October. He is ALL BOY. Full of energy, athleticism, life, laughter and joy. There is nothing I love more than having him crawl on my lap just to cuddle. Many times he does, I tell him I hope he does it until he's all grown up.

Finally, the newest Eachlet (my brother's nickname for his kids), Noah Matthew. He just turned 1 in August. Don't you just LOVE this picture of the older kids meeting their baby brother? Melts my heart.

This is sweet Noah one year later. Don't miss the big kids in the background! This carousel is in a park near their house in NY. It's been a favorite spot to visit ever since Avery was a wee little girl and she wanted "Aunt Kaki [to] ride the horsies!" Who would EVER say no to that?!

I also have a "baby" sister who really is only 5 years younger than me. She also went to Liberty University (as did my brother and his wife) and now lives near Lynchburg, VA and teaches Math in a public middle school. She just got engaged in June...we shopped 'til we dropped for her perfect wedding dress a few weeks ago (and found it!) and their wedding will be one year from the proposal, June 2011. Her name is Becky & she's marrying Dave, a man who treats her like a princess. He's a good guy. Pray for them as they prepare for their happily ever after :o)
5. Some people have asked, so I'll tell you. I prefer to be called Katherine. I've always preferred it. That doesn't mean that's what I've always been called. But, I go by Katherine.

10. I have traveled to London & Paris on a high school trip, England to bless a missionary family for a week and Budapest to visit a friend who was a missionary for a year there. It is a dream of mine to tour Israel some day.
Well, there you have it... 10 things you didn't know you didn't know...
Your turn!!! What are a few fun things I should know about you?
Please post a comment for everyone to read!
Much Love in Christ, dear Sisters...