I figured it might be helpful to share a little more about myself than what I can say on the back of the Voice and in a 2 minute intro on a Sunday morning. If you glance back at the last post, I think the idea for this post comes from my HUGE desire to know you and be known by you, so that we can get past all the formalities and focus on building sweet friendships and sharpening each other to be more like Christ. Really.
So, I was thinking about the kinds of things my closest friends know about me that you don't yet. Of course it's all good stuff. I can't tell you how much I am NOT a morning person yet or that my smile doesn't always wake up before 9am. :o) So, here it is... as you're reading, be thinking of your own list... I'd LOVE for you to reply in the comments to let us get to know you a little better, too.
1. I have big feet. Size 11. Well, frankly, I'm 5'10" tall. They have to be big so I don't fall over. But it's hard to find shoes. So you can imagine how difficult it can be to find CUTE shoes that don't make me taller than I am. Although, I think I'll take a lesson from Beth Schwartz and marry a guy who's like 6'5" so she can wear way-high-heels.
2. Maybe because of #1, or maybe because I'm trying not to grow up, I LOVE flip flops. I should probably get a pedicure to be kind on the eyes of everyone who sees my big feet in my flip flops, but you know... it's one of those things I always think I'll do next pay check and here it is September and that didn't happen. Maybe next summer.
3. I'm the middle child. Yes. Before you even ask, I can tell you that I grew up with Middle Child Syndrome where the middle child thinks the older gets everything because he's older and a boy and the younger gets everything because she's the baby and the one in the middle... well... she feels a little left out and neglected. Before you get to feeling pity on me, rest assured I have been delivered. I don't still feel like that.
4. I LOVE my family. My parents still live in the town I grew up in. After living in VA for so long, it's nice to be able to visit them on an almost weekly basis.

Avery Hope is almost 6 years old and is starting 1st grade this fall. She is the oldest and the only girl. She has a tender heart, loves to help her mommy, and like her daddy can remember almost any song she's ever heard word for word. I love her so. After meeting and loving on Avery for 2 years, her brother was born and I honestly worried I wouldn't be able to love him as much or the same. Oh, but I do.

Andrew Jacob will turn 4 in October. He is ALL BOY. Full of energy, athleticism, life, laughter and joy. There is nothing I love more than having him crawl on my lap just to cuddle. Many times he does, I tell him I hope he does it until he's all grown up.

Finally, the newest Eachlet (my brother's nickname for his kids), Noah Matthew. He just turned 1 in August. Don't you just LOVE this picture of the older kids meeting their baby brother? Melts my heart.

Andrew Jacob will turn 4 in October. He is ALL BOY. Full of energy, athleticism, life, laughter and joy. There is nothing I love more than having him crawl on my lap just to cuddle. Many times he does, I tell him I hope he does it until he's all grown up.

Finally, the newest Eachlet (my brother's nickname for his kids), Noah Matthew. He just turned 1 in August. Don't you just LOVE this picture of the older kids meeting their baby brother? Melts my heart.
Like his brother, Drew, Noah likes to be held and snuggled. He also like to laugh. His giggle is his own and so very precious. aaahhh... I love those babies.

This is sweet Noah one year later. Don't miss the big kids in the background! This carousel is in a park near their house in NY. It's been a favorite spot to visit ever since Avery was a wee little girl and she wanted "Aunt Kaki [to] ride the horsies!" Who would EVER say no to that?!

I also have a "baby" sister who really is only 5 years younger than me. She also went to Liberty University (as did my brother and his wife) and now lives near Lynchburg, VA and teaches Math in a public middle school. She just got engaged in June...we shopped 'til we dropped for her perfect wedding dress a few weeks ago (and found it!) and their wedding will be one year from the proposal, June 2011. Her name is Becky & she's marrying Dave, a man who treats her like a princess. He's a good guy. Pray for them as they prepare for their happily ever after :o)
5. Some people have asked, so I'll tell you. I prefer to be called Katherine. I've always preferred it. That doesn't mean that's what I've always been called. But, I go by Katherine.

This is sweet Noah one year later. Don't miss the big kids in the background! This carousel is in a park near their house in NY. It's been a favorite spot to visit ever since Avery was a wee little girl and she wanted "Aunt Kaki [to] ride the horsies!" Who would EVER say no to that?!

I also have a "baby" sister who really is only 5 years younger than me. She also went to Liberty University (as did my brother and his wife) and now lives near Lynchburg, VA and teaches Math in a public middle school. She just got engaged in June...we shopped 'til we dropped for her perfect wedding dress a few weeks ago (and found it!) and their wedding will be one year from the proposal, June 2011. Her name is Becky & she's marrying Dave, a man who treats her like a princess. He's a good guy. Pray for them as they prepare for their happily ever after :o)
5. Some people have asked, so I'll tell you. I prefer to be called Katherine. I've always preferred it. That doesn't mean that's what I've always been called. But, I go by Katherine.
6. I use the word y'all in normal conversation and some people think I have a hint of a southern accent. I was raised in PA, my grandparents were both of German descent and spoke PA Dutch to each other and their friends often. But, when I went to college, I had roommates and friends from Mississippi, Savannah, GA, Atlanta, Southern VA, NC, TN... good old "country folk" whose accents were so thick I couldn't understand them at first. Eventually, it rubbed off on me. I lived in the South for over 11 years. I think some of the "damage" was irreversible. Better watch out, it might rub of on you, too!
7. I don't drink coffee. I'll pause for your collective *gasp!* ---PAUSE--- I like the way it smells but have never been able to handle the taste. But, lest you fear I am caffeine-free... oh, mercy no. Two Words: Diet Coke. Aaaahhhh.... Do you know McDonald's has been selling any size drinks for only $1 all summer? If you or anyone you know works at a local McD's, they probably know me as the Diet Coke lady. Seriously, y'all (there I go again). I am sure they will serve Diet Coke in heaven. I should really give it up and I have for seasons, but I always come back to it. My poor kidneys.

8. I like to read. Some of my favorite authors include Karen Kingsbury, Liz Curtis Higgs (Did you know she used to live around Lititz? I think she may have even been raised here), and Francine Rivers (LOVE her Mark of the Lion series).
9. Fall is my favorite season! I can hardly wait for it to get here. Sleeping with the windows open, waking up to a cool room in the morning. Crisp air, the sound of leaves crunching under your feet, the smells of apple cider, cinnamon, pumpkin candles... a day that's perfect in jeans and a sweatshirt. Love it.
10. I have traveled to London & Paris on a high school trip, England to bless a missionary family for a week and Budapest to visit a friend who was a missionary for a year there. It is a dream of mine to tour Israel some day.
Well, there you have it... 10 things you didn't know you didn't know...
Your turn!!! What are a few fun things I should know about you?
Please post a comment for everyone to read!
Much Love in Christ, dear Sisters...
10. I have traveled to London & Paris on a high school trip, England to bless a missionary family for a week and Budapest to visit a friend who was a missionary for a year there. It is a dream of mine to tour Israel some day.
Well, there you have it... 10 things you didn't know you didn't know...
Your turn!!! What are a few fun things I should know about you?
Please post a comment for everyone to read!
Much Love in Christ, dear Sisters...
So glad to see your family and learn more about you!!
Hummmmm some things you guys wouldn't know about me...
I collect antique Christmas balls and vintage costume jewelry, shop a ton at goodwill/reuzits...love to run in the rain..especially with Angel Ludwig!...I occasionally eat sour patch kids for a meal...I've spent time in Kenya and desire our family to somehow reach Eastern Africa again soon...walked on the set of Ashton Kutcher filming a scene in NYC!
That is all I can think of for now! Great idea Katherine-sorry about the coffee card....Ahhh
Beth, Don't you worry... in the cool fall months, Starbuck's Chai Latte calls my name. :o)
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